Last weekend, Nathan Runkle, founder of Mercy For Animals (MFA), was the victim of a brutal anti-gay attack. Now that word is gradually reaching the public, I feel it’s OK to add a brief post about this crime against Nathan.


Nathan was at a gay nightclub in Dayton, Ohio, on Friday night/Saturday morning when an unknown assailant lashed out at him in an unprovoked assault. Nathan suffered two facial fractures, a broken nose, a deviated septum and severe facial bruising. I spoke with someone close to Nathan on Tuesday, and he told me Nathan has undergone surgery for the deviated septum and is doing well.


Nathan Runkle and friend

Nathan Runkle and friend

Nathan is one of the kindest and hardest-working activists I know, and I am heartsick beyond words that anyone would hurt him.


Rather than post a long blog, I refer readers to today’s wonderful post by fellow activist pattrice jones, who puts into words what I am unable to articulate right now. You can also read MFA’s press release here.


Our thoughts are with you, Nathan!